Friday, February 15, 2008

You Know, I Don't Think He Would Do That...

There's this very funny chapter in Laura Ingalls Wilder's "On the Banks of Plum Creek." After the harvest, Pa has created a huge straw stack in order to feed their oxen (Bright and Pete) for the winter. Laura and Mary discover the straw stack, find it irresistible, and climb up it and slide down it until all the straw is scattered everywhere. Pa reprimands them, but they do it again. The second time he is very stern with them about not sliding down the straw stack. So the next day, instead of sliding down it, they climb up to the top and roll down repeatedly. He questions them at the end of the day if they had slid down the stack, and Laura says, "No, Pa. We didn't slide down.....But we did ROLL down." Then she said Pa turned and looked out of the window for a long time. His shoulders were shaking a little, and the girls wondered why he was standing so long with his back to them.

I always really liked the part about sliding down the straw stack when I was younger, but it wasn't until I was an adult and reread the book that I could appreciate the part about Pa. I've had a number of occasions where I've had to turn my back to the girls or sometimes even dash out of the room for a few seconds because what they've done or said is naughty but also? It's

Last night before bed, the girls and I were sitting in the rocking chair, reading. Elaine can't seem to sit still for very long, so she wiggled around until finally she fell out of the chair onto the floor. She looked up at me accusingly and said, "You pushed me, Mom!" I said, "Elaine, I would never push you. You fell out of the chair." Next she looked at Lucy and said, "Lucy did it!" to which, of course, Lucy shouted, "I DID NOT!" Without skipping a beat, Elaine said, "Then Jesus pushed me."


Juliet said...

When all else fails...blame God. Who is He going to tell?

Art L...Kids do says the funniest things.

Ann-Marie said...

Yep, that's right, Alice.

Mom is remembering this time when I was a little girl, and I was playing with another little girl. She wanted to do something naughty, and said, "It's okay, Just you and me will know."

I said, "And Jesus!"

She said, "Okay, so just you, me, and Jesus will know!"

When I told Mom later, she laughed for HOURS! Kids!

Ann-Marie said...

P.S. - My favorite Little House book is The Long Winter. I love how Almanzo's brave and daring expedition saves the town!

Alice said...

That is just too funny.

And really? The Long Winter? That is my least favorite! The winter and the scarlet fever and the cold and...I couldn't take it. Maybe I should read it again. My favorites were Little Town and Happy Golden Years.

Ann-Marie said...

Yes, Happy Golden Years is great, too. A wonderful love story. I think my love for HGY was tainted after I read The First Fours Years where pioneer life sounded just awful and everything that could go wrong did. I thought, "Hmm, maybe she should have WAITED."

I think I like TLW because the idea of having to stay inside all cozy in the winter was my ideal! Plus winter is my favorite season!