Wednesday, October 05, 2011
Star of the Week--3rd Grade
October 6, 2011
Dear Lucy:
I am so excited you are Star of the Week in Mrs. R.s’ class!
As you already know, of course, you were born on Saturday, June 7, 2003. Your dad and I waited 8 whole years for you, and we were so thrilled when you arrived! Our whole family was! You were the first grandchild.
We named you Lucy after the little girl in C.S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, because she had great faith and was brave enough to do what was right. You are a lot like her already!
You have always been fun to be around. You love to read and be read to, to swim, to do art projects, to play dress up, and to cook.
From the time you were born, we have read together. I remember a winter day when you were just a toddler—you sat and listened while I read 138 pages to you! You would have liked more, but I think my voice wore out. One of my favorite times with you was reading the book The Sixty-Eight Rooms, writing to the author, and then getting to visit the actual rooms ourselves.
I am so proud of you for working hard every week at swimming. When you started when you were 2 years old, you just wanted to play with the toys in the water. Now you can swim 500 meters and are on the swim team!
You love drawing and coloring and painting and have made a lot of art projects over the years. Your best picture was the one you drew for your Manga. You were 6 years old and had just asked Jesus into your heart. You were feeling so sad that Manga had cancer and would be leaving us soon, so you drew a picture of you and her standing on the streets of gold in heaven with Jesus and you wrote “Together Forever” on it; then we framed it. It was her favorite possession, and when she died, we put that drawing on the program cover of her memorial service. It made people there so happy to see your beautiful picture, reminding them that someday we’ll be in heaven together forever!
Lucy, besides being sweet and kind, you are very funny, too, but not always on purpose. When you were 2 ½, we were writing notes to put in Daddy’s lunch bag the next day. Your sister, Elaine, was just a baby and was swinging in her swing, screaming. I asked you, “What do you think Elaine would like to write in her note?” You said disgustedly, “Dear Daddy. I love you. I’m crying. Love, Smoochie.”
When you were 4 and Elaine was 2, she turned on the fan in the bathroom. It made a horrible noise, and she started to cry. You ran and turned it off and said to her, “You should thank me, Elaine. I hope you know I just saved your life!”
One morning when you were 5, you woke me up and said, “Mommy! I lost my tooth!” When I asked you how, you said, “I was pretending to be a dog. I bited Elaine’s foot, and my tooth came out!”
Lucy, this summer you turned 8 years old—I could hardly believe it! You are growing up so fast. It seems like yesterday you were my little baby. Now you love school and music and friends and AWANA and your family. You are so enthusiastic about life and people. Dad and I are so happy that Jesus is your Savior and that you want to live for Him. I know God has great plans for your life!!! You are a wonderful daughter and an awesome big sister and a dear friend.
You may be the Star in your class this week, but you will always be the Star of my heart!
I love you!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
We Also
The theme of the message was Luke, the good doctor, and his example to us. Scriptures were Luke 1:1-4, and Acts 1:1-4 (among many others).
Seven main points:
1. We were created for good company (that is, with "those who call upon the Lord from a pure heart)
2. An individual calling can only be fulfilled in a "we" context.
3. God never overlooks a single "me" in the bigger "we."
4. (my favorite point--more later on this) Jesus became a friend of sinners so we could become a friend of God.
5. We can revel in the certainty of the things we've been taught.
6. Jesus has passed us the salt also.
7. (my other favorite point) We can also be the many convincing proofs that Jesus is alive.
I probably have more notes on this Living Proof conference than any of the others I've been to.
For #4, Beth spoke about the chapter in Luke where the Pharisees accused Jesus of sitting down to table with drunkards and being the friend of sinners. She showed a picture on the screen of this tiny creature that you couldn't even tell what it was, that her sister-in-law's cat had dragged in. (It was a squirrel.) She told the backstory of that but then related it to this chapter in Luke and how right after the Pharisees accused Jesus of being the friend of sinners, Luke tells the story of the dinner with the Pharisees where the woman comes and anoints Jesus. She said that the Pharisees had no idea that actually, they were the sinners that Jesus sat down to table with. She asked us to identify ourselves in that story and then said this, which I think I will remember forever, "What's your story? Can you look at yourself and say, 'Just look at what the Lion of Judah dragged in?!'"
For the closing, #7, Beth had spoken about Luke and how he never made a big deal about himself or tried to insert his name into the gospel or the book of Acts. All of a sudden he'd be using the term "they" and would then change it to "we." She said how as Christians, we want to be the main thing and do something big for God and go where no one else has gone--except Christ has already gone there. So, we should be content to be as Luke, a "we also"--then she read many verses pertaining to the things "we also" will receive through Jesus, and "Oh, to be a blessed 'also'!"
She said that an ancient historian described Luke's death this way: "at age 84, he fell asleep in Boasha (Greece), full of the Holy Spirit." She then said, "Luke spent his life telling the story of Jesus Christ as the only One. Don't you want your story to be Luke's story, simply this: 'I love You, Jesus.'"
This last point is something I am thinking about in my own life lately, particularly with all the forms of social/personal media available to us--how much do I want this life to be my story? How often do I check my blog stats (I resolve to stop doing this any more)? Do I need to be always checking my facebook to see if anyone is noticing me and what I say? Really, just any of the countless ways I endeavor to insert myself into the story. So gross. Please let me take a page from Luke and revel in being an "also"! Let my life story be: I love You, Jesus.
And of course there was a lot of worship time during the day, which I love. This conference covered 48 states, 12 countries, 3 military bases, and 1 women's correctional center, for a total of 180,000 women (and a few brave men).
We sang this one, which, as worship leader Travis Cottrell says, "you need some elbow room for." Just imagine 180,000 people around the world, singing it together. Here in Illinois, we were singing along with women in Canada, in Guam, in South Africa, in prison--all around the globe. A little foretaste of heaven. It's one of those where, if I can't sing along with this, the rocks are going to cry out!
I've already blocked next July when Living Proof will be in Moline, IL!
Tuesday, September 06, 2011
Fall Still Lifes
I switched out a blue floral wreath with butterflies for this on the front door:
This is the library table in the front hall. Now that I'm looking at them, these pictures I took are pretty crummy. Pretend they're blurry for artistic reasons.
Fall flowers for an end table:
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Learning to Read
"Go. Go, go, go. Go, Jane. Go help Sally. Help Sally find Puff."
Elaine loves it and loves to climb up in the rocking chair with me and practice her reading (also, she pronounces "Puff" to rhyme with "roof," which is way too cute for me to correct her).
Then the other day, I saw her race by with her pink doll stroller--Yo-Yo seated in it with his ears back and his tail lashing from side to side.
"Mom!" she shouted over her shoulder. "It's just like I read in Dick & Jane! Animals DO love to ride in doll buggies!"
(Look how much he's enjoying it. Now whenever he hears the stroller rev up, he hightails it out of sight.)
Yesterday when I read the information in her school folder, the teacher said they were working on the words, "I am" this week and to please practice with them whenever we could. I immediately thought of Green Eggs and Ham, so last night we settled down to read that. I would read all the text, and Elaine would read whenever I pointed to the words "Sam-I-am."
"I will not eat them in a house," I read. "I will not eat them with a mouse. I will not eat them in a box. I will not eat them with a fox. I will not eat them on a train or in the rain..."
"He's rude," Elaine interrupted in an unconscious parody of me. "All he needs to say politely is, 'No, thank you. I don't care for any. Besides, I bet there are a lot of people who really do like green eggs and ham."
So in addition to newfound reading skills, she also appears to be putting critical thinking skills into practice.
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
First Day of School 2011 Edition
As always, we have muffins for breakfast on the first day of school, thanks to Betsy-Tacy. These are Kababayn muffins, recipe courtesy Tia Rome. Very good, or as my brother says, "Donuts in muffin form."
My baby goes to kindergarten:

As is often the case, the flavor of the day is Bittersweet.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
What's on my Fridge
Here's what's weird about her request--this summer I actually wrote a mini-autobiography of myself as part of my class assignment, and it was all about what's on my fridge: how when I first got married it was completely clear, then I put on magnets from various places we travelled, then how I slowly added the photos that are there, then artwork from my eventual children, etc.
Right now there's no artwork on it because school hasn't started yet, but I took pictures of what else is there. This is for you, Sandy!
General overview:
I love these four girls so much. I race to the mailbox each day to see if there's a letter from one of them. Mary from India refers to herself as "your loving child." Dayana from Bolivia told me in her last letter how it is winter there and she has to wear warm clothes. Little Gleramil from the Philippines said, "I hope you will include me in your prayers that I will learn a lot about Jesus." And my dear Lizbet, 17, from Ecuador writes me the most and tells me how sad she is that her sister died but she is happy that she's in heaven, she wants to know if I'll have another baby, she sends me "kisses from the distance," and sends me "love from your best friend."
Here is a song I sing all the time to my little girls (and cry), but I also think of my adopted girls around the world whenever I hear it, too:
So, there you go--that's what's on my fridge!
Sunday, August 14, 2011
What We've Done With Our Summer
Then I woke up and thought I might like to blog a little bit more. So I freshened up the look and changed the picture and the quote, and here I am.
One of the things we did a fair bit of this summer was cooking. Remember the garden we were going to try, thanks to Jamie Oliver, in spring? Well, it actually grew! A first for me. We were so completely chuffed with ourselves and sat around saying, ""
The first thing Elaine wanted to make was dessert. Here she is (and I can see how this is at the beginning of summer because her hair is a lot longer now) with her white chocolate-strawberry pie. Strawberries were the one item we planted that didn't grow, so these we bought at the store.
Here is Lucy with a lemon icebox pie. This is my mother-in-law's classic recipe.
We went on our annual beach vacation to Door County in July. We escaped the 100+ degree temperatures at home to this...
Darren and Elaine, looking for fish...
We also did some redecorating at our house, and maybe sometime I'll post before and after pictures.
The girls did loads of fighting, too, until finally Darren and I got completely fed up and we had a family war council. I declared to them, "Behold, your sister--and the summer you learned to love her." For awhile, the three of us would meet in their room every morning for "Sister Time." They each had to say one thing they really like about their sister--whether it was something nice she had done or something about her character. Then they could say one thing they wanted their sister to work on that day (e.g., "Stop brushing my doll's hair without asking.") Then they had (the privilege!) to pray for each other. I won't say it made everything awesome, but it did improve.
They were also serial VBS attenders and played a lot with their friends.
Oh, and this is what Yo-Yo and Tuppence did this summer.
Tuesday, July 05, 2011
Summer Adventure
Here you can find Alysa and Maddie's trip to the rooms (note: Alysa = professional photographer).
Last Friday, Jamie and Marybeth and my girls and I took our trip to the Thorne Rooms.
"Mom, will we find the magic key there?" Elaine asked before we left.
We got there right before the museum opened. Here are Marybeth, Lucy, and Elaine out front, holding their copy of the book (note: Alice = extremely amateur photographer).
The most fun part of this day for me was watching the girls run from room to room, squealing to us and each other, "Here's the balcony where Jack and Ruthie went down into Paris!" or "Come and see where they met Thomas and dodged the arrows!" "Look, here's the ship in the bottle!"etc.
In fact, they had such a great time that other museum visitors noticed what they were doing and wanted to know about the book, so Jamie did her part in passing the word. We met one family there who also had read The Sixty-Eight Rooms.
I also took a couple shots of my personal favorite rooms.
A French bathroom:
The final room we looked at (though we went through them all twice) was the Japanese room where Jack and Ruthie hid the note in the bento box.
We had a fabuous visit, and Lucy told me, "When the sequel comes out [Stealing Magic, which will be released next January and takes Jack and Ruthie from 1937 Paris to antebellum South Carolina], we'll just have to come back!"