Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Star of the Week--3rd Grade

Lucy's teacher will be reading this to the class today...

October 6, 2011

Dear Lucy:

I am so excited you are Star of the Week in Mrs. R.s’ class!

As you already know, of course, you were born on Saturday, June 7, 2003. Your dad and I waited 8 whole years for you, and we were so thrilled when you arrived! Our whole family was! You were the first grandchild.

We named you Lucy after the little girl in C.S. Lewis’s The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, because she had great faith and was brave enough to do what was right. You are a lot like her already!

You have always been fun to be around. You love to read and be read to, to swim, to do art projects, to play dress up, and to cook.

From the time you were born, we have read together. I remember a winter day when you were just a toddler—you sat and listened while I read 138 pages to you! You would have liked more, but I think my voice wore out. One of my favorite times with you was reading the book The Sixty-Eight Rooms, writing to the author, and then getting to visit the actual rooms ourselves.

I am so proud of you for working hard every week at swimming. When you started when you were 2 years old, you just wanted to play with the toys in the water. Now you can swim 500 meters and are on the swim team!

You love drawing and coloring and painting and have made a lot of art projects over the years. Your best picture was the one you drew for your Manga. You were 6 years old and had just asked Jesus into your heart. You were feeling so sad that Manga had cancer and would be leaving us soon, so you drew a picture of you and her standing on the streets of gold in heaven with Jesus and you wrote “Together Forever” on it; then we framed it. It was her favorite possession, and when she died, we put that drawing on the program cover of her memorial service. It made people there so happy to see your beautiful picture, reminding them that someday we’ll be in heaven together forever!

Lucy, besides being sweet and kind, you are very funny, too, but not always on purpose. When you were 2 ½, we were writing notes to put in Daddy’s lunch bag the next day. Your sister, Elaine, was just a baby and was swinging in her swing, screaming. I asked you, “What do you think Elaine would like to write in her note?” You said disgustedly, “Dear Daddy. I love you. I’m crying. Love, Smoochie.”

When you were 4 and Elaine was 2, she turned on the fan in the bathroom. It made a horrible noise, and she started to cry. You ran and turned it off and said to her, “You should thank me, Elaine. I hope you know I just saved your life!”

One morning when you were 5, you woke me up and said, “Mommy! I lost my tooth!” When I asked you how, you said, “I was pretending to be a dog. I bited Elaine’s foot, and my tooth came out!”

Lucy, this summer you turned 8 years old—I could hardly believe it! You are growing up so fast. It seems like yesterday you were my little baby. Now you love school and music and friends and AWANA and your family. You are so enthusiastic about life and people. Dad and I are so happy that Jesus is your Savior and that you want to live for Him. I know God has great plans for your life!!! You are a wonderful daughter and an awesome big sister and a dear friend.

You may be the Star in your class this week, but you will always be the Star of my heart!

I love you!
